2010년 11월 8일 월요일

Jacie #3


She endured terrible loss

She suffered a tertible loss (가족이 죽었거나, 그래서 슬퍼)


*shallow 속물적인

He's kind a shallow


*He's very deep person 속물의 반대



*개와 고양이

canine 개

canine food 개밥

dog meat 개고기

feline 고양이



Leave it up to the bank 은행에다 맡겨


He cut me off 일촌 끊었어


It's gonna get freezing 점점 추워진대


*episodes and anecdote

sequel 후속편


* rides 놀이기구

rides at 어뮤즈먼 파크, theme park

I can handle the rids 탈수있어 무서운거

He loves the rides 좋아해



There's a que 줄서있다




I'm afraid of heights



hate site



rhino plastic surgery



boob job


*쌍꺼풀 수술

have double-eyelid surgery done



*압구정동 묘사

step out of the magazine

they act as if -



*mean 일찐

She is not acting nice

She's meaning

She's meany. She's mean

mean boys and girls 일찐



she is narrow minded = grumpy



He is taciturn person 무뚝뚝한

<-> blab 입이 가벼운



blab 입이 가벼운

He is school gossip



wimp = coward



deliver boy







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