Summers Leaving: What Should Obama Do?
Is the departure of Larry Summers a chance for Obama to revamp his economic team?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 21.72 points, or 0.2 percent, to 10,739.31
몇 포인트 떨어졌고 몇 포인트가 되었다
Dow Breaks 5-Day Streak
5일선을 깨다
Sorry to interrupt
말 끼어들어서 미안한데
The company must revamp its internal structure and strengthen its competitiveness.
그 회사는 내부 구조를 개혁하고 경쟁력을 강화해야만 한다.
* compromise 명사, 동사 다
After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise.
오랜 회담 끝에 양측이 마침내 타협에 이르렀다.
I refuse to compromise my principles.
나는 내 원칙을 굽힐 생각이 없다.
* unanimous
This has to be a unanimous decision.
이 일은 만장일치로 결정해야 합니다.
I assure you 틀림없이 정말입니다
I can assure you that the worst is over.
고비를 넘겼으니 안심하세요
Show that you are self assured, but remember this is not the same thing as being arrogant.
너의 자신감을 보여주어라, 하지만 이것이 오만한 것과는 다르다는 것을 기억해라.
Even a self-assured person like him is intimidated by his boss.
그렇게 당당하던 그도 상사 앞에만 가면 쩔쩔맨다
* boast
Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.
샘은 포커에서는 누구든 이길 수 있다고 자랑했다.
ride a hobbyhorse
자기 자랑을 계속하다.
We didn't want to be with the man who rode a hobbyhorse.
우리는 자기자랑만을 하는 사람을 원하지 않는다.
* pessmistic
I am not a pessimist and I believe things can improve.
나는 비관주의자가 아니고 상황이 개선될 수 있다고 믿는다
Despite decent economic growth over the last year, forecasts for the next are pessimistic.
지난 해에 상당한 경제 성장을 이뤘지만, 내년의 전망은 비관적이다.
He is hot-tempered and too pessimistic.
그는 다혈질이며 지나치게 비관적이다
* rumor
It is rumored that -
The rumor runs that… …라는 소문이 퍼지고[돌고] 있다
The rumor runs that he is a woman.
그가 여자라는 소문이 퍼지고 있다.
* priority
according to priority
순서에 따라
give priority to
-을 우선으로 하다
* be relevant to , has nothing to do with 관련
That is relevant to the solvency issue.
그것은 지불능력 문제와 관계가 있다.
That is irrelevant to the problem under discussion.
그것은 지금 논의 중인 문제와는 무관하다
Memory has nothing to do with health.
기억은 건강과 아무 관련이 없다.
The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.
그 문제들이 심각한 것은 아니다. 그렇더라도 우리가 곧 그 문제들을 다룰 필요는 있을 것이다.
day after day it reapprers 날마다 반복되고
When you exhale, your belly naturally contracts.
너가 숨을 내쉴때, 너의 배는 자연스럽게 수축 될 것이다.
선천적 innate , inborn talend
후천적 acquired
I shoulda told you 너한테 말했어야했는데
we should sex each other
Just hear me out 듣기만해
Our relationship ended so quickly
These feelings floating around 이런 감정들이 들었어
Big Yuan Rise Would Mean Bankruptcies
An appreciation of 20 percent in China's currency would cause widespread bankruptcies in China's export sector, where firms operate on thin margins, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Wednesday.
appreciatoin 절상
depreciation 절하
"The conditions for a major appreciation of the renminbi do not exist," Wen said in a speech to U.S. businessmen in New York. He said the appeciation of China's currency demanded by U.S. lawmakers would not bring jobs back to the United States because U.S. firms no longer make such labor-intensive products.
A House of Representatives committee scheduled a vote for Friday on a China currency bill, and a Democratic aide said the full House was expected to vote on the measure next week.
Critics inside and outside Congress say China deliberately undervalues its currency by as much as 25 percent to 40 percent to give Chinese companies an unfair trade advantage, hurting U.S. exports and job prospects.
Obama said on Monday that China had not done enough to raise the value of the yuan, keeping up Washington's tough rhetoric on Chinese policy as U.S. lawmakers planned legislation to punish Beijing.
"It is time for Congress to pass legislation that will give the administration leverage in its bilateral and multilateral negotiations with the Chinese government," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement.
"If China allowed its currency to respond to market forces, it could create a million U.S. manufacturing jobs and cut our trade deficit with China by $100 billion a year, with no cost to the U.S. Treasury."
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