The tough job market has prompted many to start their own businesses
Students are becoming more interested in
starting and growing their business
Studetns are recognizing that
a lot of jobs have been lost in manufacturing
Students want to develop the next google or facebook
I don't know how, what the results gonna be ..after 1, 2 years
Is the Yuan Really Undervalued?
to pressure china to revalue their curreny
underestimate, undervalue
overestimate, overvalue 등등
What do you think?
Will a 20% revaluation of the Yuan hurt the Chinese economy?
Q. China can actually handle their boms to the currencies?
A1. We have to ask asnwer in two parts
A2, Chinese economy, It is not driven by Net Exports
it has just driven by investment and consumpution
*bolster , point of view
Falling interest rates may help to bolster up the economy.
금리 하락이 경제 부양에 도움이 될지도 모른다.
This will bolster my point of view
이 부분이 저의 견해를 보강해줄것입니다
From my point of view 내 견해에는
From an educational point of view 교육적인 관점에서 볼때
* point blank
Do you mind if I ask you some point-blank questions?
단도직입적으로 질문 드려도 되겠습니까?
단도직입적으로 directly,
단도직입적인 질문 point blank question
China's BYD
*surpass 능가하다
China surpassed U.S last year as no.1 auto market
*to export, to comepete
BYD plans to export car to U.S to compete NISSAN
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) has seen its stock drop 26% since its IPO in June
Stock down 8%
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