2010년 7월 11일 일요일

전 MLB선수 호세 칸세코 vs 60살 노인의 복싱경기


호세칸세코라는 46살의 옛날 MLB에서 날리던 야구선수가 있다

이 선수와 복싱경기를 벌인 무려 60살의 노인이 있어 화제다

사실 기사에도 나와있듯이 칸세코가 혼신의 힘을 다해 싸우려하진 않았던 것 같다

하지만 60살이면 손자,손녀도 보았을텐데 정말 대단한 열정과 몸관리이다





결론적으로 말야 요점은 말야

the bottom line is

bottom  line은 끝줄, 마지막줄이라는 말이니까

자기 할 말 다하고 결론적으로~ 라고 싶을때



그는 정말 배짱있어. 한마디로 깡이 있어

he's got some nuts



너는 너가 한물 간거 알아야만해

You have to realize your best years are behindyou




칸세코가 가지구 노는거잖아 진지하게 생각안하고

Canseco was toying with him





Canseco loses fight against 60-year-old



 By Steve Cofield



It was another embarrassing fighting exhibition for Jose Canseco. Or was it? Canseco agreed to travel to Arkansas to take on 60-year-old Gary Hogan in a boxing match.



The former major league slugger plodded his way through four rounds and lost a 39-37 decision to Hogan, an associate athletic director at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. "Rock 'em Sock 'em Rumble by the River" went down at Dickey-Stephens Park before the Arkansas Travelers-Midland Rockhounds Triple-A baseball game.



It looks like the snitch that sports fans love to hate showed a little heart.

Frankly, it didn't look like Canseco, 46, was really trying.

Although in the prefight and postfight,

Hogan broke down the fight like it was real.



"He did [throw his heavy artillery at me]," said Hogan.

"I took some shots but the bottom line is,

I'm used to taking shots. I felt good in there.

I wasn't tired, my conditioning was unbelievable.

I thought he got tired there in the third and fourth rounds."



Hogan came in at 191 pounds while Canseco was 240. The fight was put together to benefit Ray Rodgers' boxing gym and GED program in Little Rock.

"It's an exhibition. I had a great time. I've gotta a lot of respect for Gary.

Just coming out here and fighting a guy 15 years his junior, he's got some [guts]."

Canseco was paid for the fight.




그리고 밑에 달렸던 리플들

의견은 크게 두가지로 갈렸다

1. 칸세코는 이제 진짜 막장이다

2. 너네 진심으로 하는말이야? 칸세코가 봐준 경기잖아



How sad... really... Canseco should really call it quits

and realize his best years are behind him...



Are you all serious?! Canseco was toying with him and let him win.

 If he had wanted to, he could beat that old man



Definitely an exhibition fight.

ANy true boxing fan knows this is all for show.




based on





60세 노인은 스포츠 위원회에서 활동중인 고위간부였다

강의도 하는 Prof 이기도 하다

이렇게 늙고 싶다. 활동적이고 멋있다.

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