그냥 잠깐 이슈거리 같아서 무시했는데, 실제로 엠씨몽은 어금니가 거의 없단다
30살 넘은걸로 알고 있는데 조금 힘들지 않을까싶다
엠씨몽도 나이 들고 군복무 2년은 큰 두려움이었겠지만
그래도 조금 심하지 않았었나 생각해보며
어쨌든 영자 신문 올려본다
Today's expressions
군복무 회피 의혹을 영어로?
under suspicion of dodging military service
누리꾼들 사이에서, 즉 온라인상에서 말많다를 영어로 쫌 포멀하게?
MC Mong has been the subject of a hot online debate
현행법 상에서 건강한 20대 남성들은 군복무를 2년정도 해야한다를 영어로?
Under law, all able-bodied Korean men aged 20
are to serve in the military for about two years.
MC Mong under suspicion of dodging military service
A famous Korean singer, MC Mong has been the subject of a hot online debate over allegations that he dodged mandatory military service.
The controversy was stirred after it was reported that the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has been secretly investigating the suspicion surrounding his military exemption.
About seven years ago, MC Mong received an exemption from military service
due to dental problems. But allegations had it that he had removed 10 teeth, mostly molars, to avoid military conscription.
(do you wanna read more? full article: http://www.koreaherald.com/national/Detail.jspnewsMLId=20100701000972)
due to dental problems. But allegations had it that he had removed 10 teeth, mostly molars, to avoid military conscription.
Under law, all able-bodied Korean men aged 20 are to serve in the military for about two years.
“We’ve been working on MC Mong’s case for six months, whether he unlawfully received military service exemption by pulling his normally-functioning teeth out,” a police official was quoted as saying. “We already interrogated the dentist who gave medical treatment to the singer.”
According to news reports, police will soon summon him to dig out the suspicion.
MC Mong’s agency, IS Entertainment Media Group, denied the allegation, vowing to prepare a lawsuit against a local broadcaster which first reported the suspicion.
“Through further investigations, we would clear all doubts surrounding him over military exemption,” the agency said.
(do you wanna read more? full article: http://www.koreaherald.com/national/Detail.jspnewsMLId=20100701000972)
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